Frequently Asked Questions
Applying to the Program
When is the Application Deadline?​
Applications are due January 15, 2021​​​
What must be included in my application?
Student application form including the upload of a recent photo of yourself
Two teacher referrals (one from current grade 8 teacher, and one from another teacher/specialty teacher)
$20 application fee
What happens on the interview day?
Registration begins at 8:30am
Student applicants will attend a Master Class related to the discipline in which they have applied starting at 9:00am.
Interviews with individual students follow the master class beginning at 11:40am. Each interview takes ten minutes. This is when applicants share their personal scrapbook and complete their audition piece (varies per discipline).
What is parent information night?
Parents and students interested in the program attend a 60 minute information session where staff share information about the program. This year it will be held on Wednesday November 26th at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Please register for this event on our website under the Events Tab
Can I apply for more than one area of study?
​Students are asked to apply to ONE area of study only; however, they are encouraged to let us know if they have an interest in a second area when they apply. Should there be openings available, students MAY be contacted about auditioning/applying for their alternate area of interest. Students are encouraged to apply for the area of study (drama/dance/music/visual arts) that best suits their skills and interests.
What instruments can I apply to play in music? Does vocal count as music?
​ANY instrument you may play will be honoured during the application process for the program. We have had students who play harp, bagpipes, percussion, all band and string instruments and vocalists. Students will be expected to expand their own repertoire by exploring other instruments if accepted to the program. Students who do not play a traditional band instrument must make arrangements to bring their own instrument to the audition (piano and drums excluded) and must realize they will be expected to learn a band instrument in their daily music class if accepted to the program.
What do teachers look for in applicants?​​ Teachers look for students who:​
want to explore the arts in depth
can commit energy and talent
enjoy spending time with peers who share the same interests
want to meet professional artists
want to be challenged through an enriched arts program
want to learn about the connections between the arts
want to use the arts as a method of learning in other subjects
have a passion for the arts
Is there a bus for my child?
​Yes, within Peterborough County. There is transportation provided for any student living more than 3.2 km from TAS. Busing lasts for the entire time the student attends in the Arts Program. The busing is limited to the Peterborough County area. Students from outside the county may be accepted into the program provided that parents assume responsibility for transportation.
What the Program Involves
Will University, College or workplace destinations be affected?
​Graduates of the program will have completed secondary school credits and can go on to any post-secondary destination just like anyone else. Our guidance counselors are great at explaining all of these options to students throughout their high-school years.
Do I still get to choose my optional courses?
​Yes - except in Grade 9, where students have already selected to take an arts discipline and are required to take Integrated Arts as a credit. Students do select their own options. They are required to take two arts credits (or arts related credits such as Fashion Design) in each of their four years in the program. Many students return for a free fifth year or extra semester to take additional courses that interest them. This is true of students in our program and in the regular student population.
Am I with the same students all the time?
Yes and no. PIA students are together for their arts courses in grades 9 and 10 but are integrated with​ other students in their other subjects and academic levels.
Can I switch from one stream to another once I am accepted?
Not in your first two years. Students are expected to take courses in their chosen MAJOR for grades 9 and 10. ​In the senior grades, students are free and encouraged to take additional arts courses in other areas of study. In rare cases students can switch focus, but since the courses are usually full, this can only happen if another student has left the desired stream.
PIA Program at TAS
Will the facilities at TAS be sufficient for the arts programs's needs?
Yes. The KPR Board has upgraded the facilities to ensure that all the needs of the program are met at TAS. There is a new dance studio with attached change rooms, a newly designed art room complete with a dark room, a sculpture studio, an additional drama room, a Fashion Arts room and more. The existing rooms and auditorium have newly upgraded equipment . We are attempting to create a state-of-the-art facility for an arts program.
1009 Armour Road
Peterborough, Ontario
K9H 7H2
705 743 5230 ext. 176
Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School Est.1990