Visual Art
What do visual art applicants need to prepare for the audition?
We are looking for 10 of your most recent, favourite, and best pieces.
Applicants will create a digital slideshow OR submit ten photos of their pieces in the application portal.
Applicants will submit 6 pieces of their own choosing. Within this 6, we encourage students to submit: three dimensional art (sculpture in any medium), at least 2 paintings (any type of paint), and at MOST 1 photograph. *Some of the art works can be work done in the last two years, but some should be custom made for this application.
The remaining 4 pieces are based on prompts from our visual arts faculty members that you will find in detail in the application portal.
Tips and suggestions:
work should have variety
work with emphasis on line
work with emphasis on value
work with emphasis on colour
use a variety of media (pencil, pen, coloured pencil, oil pastel, paint, clay, etc.)
You can make art out of almost anything!
Applicants will submit a digital scrapbook of about 10-15 items. This digital scrapbook will be in the form of a slideshow or photos submitted through the application portal.
We want to get to know YOU.
Show us through any evidence what you have been involved with in your life.
These interests can be from anywhere, not just the arts!
Consider: awards, certificates, report cards, pictures, activities outside of school like athletics, family events and community groups, etc.
Create your applicant profile to be added to the portal so you can get started!
Your Interview Day
Week of January 17th, 2022
* A reminder that all students participating in interview day MUST have submitted a completed application package through the application portal by the application deadline. Only applicants who have completed all required elements will be contacted for an interview.*
Each applicant will be scheduled for a 10 minute virtual interview where they will have the opportunity to answer our standard interviews and speak about the visual art portfolio that they digitally submitted. Applicants are asked to have their portfolio pieces with them to present to our interview team. *Virtual invites will be sent prior to the meeting time with a link to a zoom meeting where you will be greeted by members of our interview team.
You may be nervous but we will be helpful, kind, and guide you along the way.
Be proud of your accomplishments; our potential students come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.
Be confident in who you are. Remember that life would be boring if we were all the same!
1009 Armour Road
Peterborough, Ontario
K9H 7H2
705 743 5230 ext. 176
Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School Est.1990